Chenille Honey Myrtle

Lives: Garibaldi
Type of Cook: The Feast Queen
Fave flavour: The Urban Rub
Fave movie: Muriel’s Wedding
Occupation: Social Worker
“I’m famous for cooking more than I need, the feeder of the 5000. On the last Friday of every month you’ll find me at the Gari Hall with 20 chooks roasting, spuds in the oven and gravy bubbling away. All the locals are welcome and sometimes we have over 40 people dropping by. There’s nothing I love more than people heading home with a full belly and an esky of leftovers. I don’t mind being known as 'Chenille Honey Myrtle, the chick who cooks too much' - that’s just who I am!”
Chenille has never gotten over the events of May 2019 when she was 2 chickens short for the annual Fire Brigade break up at the Garibaldi Hall. She doesn’t like to talk about it...